About Us

Emmbrook Infant school is for children aged between 4 and 7 years old. The children are admitted to our foundation class at the start of autumn term during the academic year in which they turn five years of age.

We share a pleasant site with Emmbrook Junior School and Redwood Early Years Playgroup is situated in the Emmbrook Infant School building. The Emmbrook Secondary school is on the opposite side of the road. There is also a privately run after school club situated within the school grounds which offers out of hours provision for our children before and after school and during the school holidays.

Children are taught in classes of no more than 30, and we have 2 parallel classes in each year group. The Infant school teaches children in their foundation year, year 1 and year 2. Children transfer to Junior school at the age of 7 and to Secondary school at age 11.

Behaviour in our school is outstanding, as reported in our last Ofsted report.  If there are any behavioural difficulties they are dealt with by the Head Teacher and, where appropriate parents are contacted to discuss any problems.

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