More Able and Talented

There is a strong learning ethos in our school. We recognise, develop and celebrate the achievements of all our pupils in their learning and in extra-curricular activities. We also look to address any barriers to learning with targeted support strategies to prevent any underachievement.

High expectations are shared by all and the pupils are encouraged to embrace challenge through a school growth mindset approach which in turn enhanced by our school core value teaching. Challenging, developing and extending learning opportunities are a daily part of the curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to answer high order questions as part of our “Big Think” questioning programme and raise questions themselves that they would like to investigate. Monitoring, tracking and reviewing pupils learning and ensuring good levels of progress and opportunities for deeper learning from individual baselines, are high on the schools’ agenda.

Our More Able and Talented (MA&T) subject leader and whole school staff regularly review and monitor pupils who are exploring the curriculum at deeper levels of understanding in core and foundation subjects. Lessons are planned and delivered which allow pupils to broaden and deepen their learning as they progress.

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