Year 1’s Learning Links

Year 1’s Learning Links

Open the subject tabs to view relevant learning links for Year 1.



In School: We read a variety of texts daily in Year One. Children have the opportunity to read individually with an adult, independently or with  friends and in guided reading groups. We regularly share stories as a whole class and love talking about the books we have read.

At Home: Children are sent home with a new reading book 2 or 3 times a week, in addition to a library and choosing book. We suggest that these books should be read a few times to build on comprehension skills. Children can earn reading reward time on a Friday, in total they can earn 25 minutes by reading 5 times a week. Please make sure when you read with your child you sign their reading record so that we know they have read everyday.

Guided: Children take part in guided reading sessions regularly. These sessions provide children with the opportunity to read independently as well as with their friends and teacher. Children experience a wide range of texts and have the time to discuss these texts in detail, later carrying out related activities.

High Frequency/ Tricky Words: Here is a link to the First 100 High Frequency Words. The expectation is that the children should be able to read and spell the words by the end of Year 1.


Phase 3 Phoneme Flash Cards

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Phase 5 Phoneme Flash Cards



Common Exception Words Flash Cards – Year 1

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Alien Nonsense Sorting Word Cards – KS1


Use the links below 
to access online resources Espresso and Purple Mash to help with your child’s school learning. 


Purple Mash
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