Year 2’s Learning Links
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Welcome to the Year 2 SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) section. Here you will find lots of support materials and games to help you learn more about SPAG. Have fun exploring our page. We use conjunctions to join different sentence clauses Click the following link, Using Conjuctions, to find out more and test your skills. Using Coordinating Conjunctions and or but so SPaG Grammar Powerpoint Quiz Types of Sentence Click the following link, Types Of Sentences Activity Worksheet, to download an activity sheet. Click the link below to open a power point which tests your skills when using apostrophes for contracted word forms. Contracting Words Using an Apostrophe SPaG Punctuation Quiz Tricky Words Click the following link Tricky Words to view a video on Espresso (requires logging in to Espresso). The video covers tricky words using alternative pronunciations from the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme. Homophones Click the following link Homophones to view a video on Espresso (requires logging in to Espresso). The video gives an introduction to homophones, with several different examples. Contractions Click the following link Contractions to view a video on Espresso (requires logging in to Espresso). The video gives an introduction to contractions with examples of commonly contracted words. Adding Endings to Adjectives Click the following link Adding Endings to Adjectives to view a video on Espresso (requires logging in to Espresso). The video gives examples of how adjectives can change by adding the endings –er and –est. Click the following link, Oxford Owl, to access free resources to support learning at a home. To read the e books on this site you will need the log in details below: Username: bookworms Password: 2222 Shapes Song Times Table Challenge Big Think Question Click below to play the number problem challenge on screen. This activity will help your division skills. Test your skills with these games. Fractions Choose your level This week we have had great fun finding FRACTIONS. We have been focusing on finding 1/3 and 3/4 of a number set. Here are some of the games that challenged us this week. Cross the Swamp Doubling Challenge÷/doubling-and-halving/doubling-mark-weddell/ Shape Properties of 2D Shapes? Place 3 cubes on the table. You can walk around and look at the other side but not pick them up. The first one lets me see 9 square faces, the second one 8 square faces and with the two on their own… it’s 10! Rounding Numbers Can you round numbers the nearest 10? Try some games below to round up or down. Reading a Scale Try the games below to read the labelled divisions on a scale. Data Handling Multiplication and Division Telling the Time Can you tell the time to the nearest minute? Test your skills here! Number Bond Games How fast are you at spotting your number bonds to 20? Column Method Addition Place Value Try Shark pool numbers or click here to test your place value skills If you enjoyed playing on the Magic Squares,…. try these. This flip counter is used in class to add and subtract tens and units. Fairies in the fog helps us to count on in sets of 10 Doubling and Halving Play these doubling and halving games. Money Games Use your skills of adding and subtracting multiples of 10 to play these money games. Halves and Quarters Click the links below to practise your halving and quartering. The Fire of London
Spelling Game click on the picture, left, to play a spelling game.
Oxford Owl for School and Home
How many faces could you see? That’s right……..3×5=15 facesNow use two cubes and put them in any way that you like. Here are three arrangements I made earlier.
So now try arranging 3 cubes in different ways. Here are some ideas. How many faces?
These online activities involve adding and subtracting 2 two-digit numbers using the column method (initially without bridging/”carrying”)
Click here to download and print a track game to play at home.
Click the following link to view Experimental a fantastic web page to explore lots of science experiments that you can do at home with Mum and Dad.
Click the link to Play The Fire of London Game, explore the fire as it unfolds and help Tom and Jane through six dramatic days as they experience London’s Great Fire! Follow the story of the fire and play games to battle and escape the flames.
Use the links below to access online resources Espresso and Purple Mash to help with your child’s school learning.