Absence & Illness


If your child is unwell and not coming into school, please email [email protected]  or telephone the school office on 0118 978 4259 before 9am to advise us of their absence, on each and every day that your child is absent from school. We are required to keep a record of pupil absence as well as the reasons for pupil absence. If you do not report your child as absent, the school office will make contact with you by 9.15am to confirm your child’s whereabouts. If the office are unable to make contact, our Head Teacher, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team will personally drive to your home address to make contact and verify your family’s safety and reason for absence from school. If in the event there is no one at your home, then the police and children’s services may be contacted in an attempt to check you are all safe and well.

If your child becomes unwell during the school day, we will contact you to make arrangements to have your child collected from school. Please ensure that you let us know if your contact details change so that we are always able to contact you quickly when your child is unwell.

We follow guidance from the UKHSA which states that if your child has sickness or diarrhoea, they should not be sent into school for 48 hours after their last episode to prevent other children and staff from becoming unwell. If your child returns to school before this, then you will be contacted to collect them.

Holidays of more than 4 days in a ten week period are not permitted in term time, in accordance with Department of Education guidance. Fixed penalty notices will be issued by Wokingham Borough Council if a holiday or leave is taken which is not authorised. Please see our policy for further details.


If your child is prescribed medicine that needs to be administered during the school day by a member of staff, you will need to complete a medicine consent form available from the school office. School staff cannot administer any medicine that has not been prescribed by a doctor and if it is not in the original packaging. Alternatively, parents/carers are welcome to come and administer medicine to their own child at the appropriate time.

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