Curriculum & Support

The National Curriculum defines the programmes of study for key subjects in maintained/ state primary and secondary schools in England. Fundamentally, it sets out what your child is supposed to learn and when.

A new version was introduced in September 2014.

At Emmbrook Infant School we have designed a curriculum that not only meets the national requirements, but also helps to prepare our pupils for the next stage of their learning journey. We have consulted with our parents as to what they consider to be  the key skills and attribute that children should develop at school and we have embedded these into our curriculum.

Our Year 1 and Year 2 Curriculum Provision are outlined below.

We endeavour to offer all children a rich, stimulating, varied, warm and caring environment where they are taught the National Curriculum and develop the skills necessary to play their part in our changing world.

The children are taught to show consideration, tolerance and respect for others and are encouraged to share and help one another.

We seek to achieve high standards of education for all children. Within a working week of 25 hours the following subjects are covered: English, Mathematics, Science, Computing (Information & Communication Technology), Religious Education, Design & Technology, PE, History, Geography, Personal & Social Health Education, Music, Art & Craft.

Curriculum Subjects – to view click here

Monitoring and Evaluation

Each curriculum area has a subject leader who is responsible for ensuring the delivery of the scheme of work and for monitoring the progression through that subject in Key Stage 1.  Teachers write their lesson plans individually or in teams in order to meet the particular needs of the children in their care.

A separate scheme of work linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework is followed by the foundation stage pupils.

Children’s work is monitored through continual assessment and as parents you will be informed of your child’s progress at the 1:1 parents’ evenings and through termly reports.

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