School Meals

Our school catering contract is with Dolce. School meals are cooked in the Junior School kitchen and are served in the Infant school hall. A hot main meal is available daily with a vegetarian option which includes a drink of water. Packed lunches may be brought from home and are also eaten in the school hall. A packed lunch MUST include a drink, separate from their class water bottle. Please note that no chocolate or sweets are allowed in packed lunches. We are also a nut free school so please ensure there are no nuts in packed lunches, or any food which may contain nuts such as chocolate spread. All children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a Universal Free School Meal.

Parents and Carers are provided with a School Grid login so that meals can be pre-ordered online up to a term in advance.

For information on Dolce, please visit their website – and for any queries over special dietary menus, please contact their Customer Services department by email – [email protected]

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