Parent Teacher Association

Emmbrook Junior and Infant schools have a combined PTA. This is an invaluable part of the school team as it successfully raises funds for additional little extras that enhance the children’s lives in both schools.


What does the money raised get used for?

Every year group has £500 towards the costs of trips or events. This may be used to subsidise a single trip or put towards multiple trips and events.

Science this year includes workshops for all children at a cost of £1000 which is being covered by PTA funding.

During EmmBook week to celebrate world book day all the children participate in drama workshops over the course of the week. The costs of these works shops are covered by PTA funding too.

Previously the PTA have paid for the construction of our Trim Trail and contributed to the costs of our reading chalet both of which benefit all children in the school.

This term we are committing £7500 to the resurfacing of the ground around our trim trail making to accessible for more of the year for all the children.


Fund Raising

Our PTA hold a number of events throughout the school year to raise money for both schools. Our main events are the Christmas and Summer Fairs although other events such as quiz nights and ‘pamper’ evenings for the parents, and disco for the children are also part of the PTA calendar.

The money raised by the PTA has recently been spent on tyre park and fitness trail, digital cameras, basketball nets, football kit, stage lighting and Flip video recorders.

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved with the PTA, please contact the Chair by email [email protected]. The PTA welcome new members and look forward to hearing from you.

PTA Committee

Co-Chairs – Caitlin Wales & Helen Venfield

Co-Vice Chairs – Christine Leddy & Emma Grainger

Co-Treasurers – Madhu Kalepu & Stephanie Wood

Secretary – Claire Lyne

and supported by lots of lovely friends of the PTA.

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved with the PTA, please contact the Chair by email [email protected] You can put in as much or as little time as you have, helping out on ad-hoc projects or taking on a specific role  – you’d be amazed at the hobbies and skills we can make use of! The PTA welcome all new members and look forward to hearing from you.

Calling all Crafters

Would you like to join the PTA Social Craft group? You could make items such as scrunchies, hair clips, bunting, purses, memory bears  etc out of donated uniform, as well as seasonal items to sell at PTA events throughout the year. If you are interested or you have a friend, neighbour or relative who would love to be involved,  please contact Christine Leddy for further details – 07905 799185.

Uniform and Fancy Dress Collection Bins

Please can we ask for donations of pre loved school uniform, school related fancy dress, World Book Day costumes, Christmas jumpers and coloured t shirts for Sports Day, in good, clean, re-useable condition. The items that you kindly donate will help other school families and raise vital funds for our schools through the PTA second hand uniform sales. 

We have placed some labelled wheelie bins against the fence under the trees by the Infant School crossing and these will be the collection points for any items you wish to donate. 

For any families that require help to purchase uniform, please contact the appropriate school office with details & sizes of the items that you need and they will contact the PTA anonymously on your behalf.

We will be holding uniform sales each term, in the meantime please submit requests to purchase uniform to the PTA

on [email protected]

Raising Funds

Name labels:  We’ve found a way to reduce lost property AND raise money for the PTA! 

If you are looking to order name labels please think about using ‘My Nametags’ as the PTA are paid a commission of 24% of each order value when you provide our school ID: 18970. Please click on the link to have a browse – My Nametags

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